Wednesday, October 29, 2014

jPicSizer - PicSizer for mac / apple

One thing I missed when I moved to my shining new Mac last year - PicSizer.

It is just a simple piece of software for windows that lets you batch resize images. Here is the link to the windows version:

Unfortunately there is no Mac version available.

So I decided to write my own. I wrote it in Java, hence the name jPicSizer. It uses Imgsclar lib which can be found here:

It requires java 8. It is an alpha version so pardon the bugs.

The background is customizable. I have a picture I took in Portugal this summer.

Here are a screenshot

Released under Apache License Version 2.0.

Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Connect to (clone a repository) from behind a firewall

I was (luckily) very very frustrated as I could not clone a repo from till I found the solution. Socks proxy (from SSH Tunnel) simply did not work.

Here are the steps I took in order to finally get the repo cloned.

The repo I wanted to clone: git clone

  1. Create a SSH Tunnel. Mine is set at localhost 8888.
  2. Do a local port forward to 22. I forwarded port 3334. In putty settings it looks like: L3334
  3. Create a github account.
  4. Copy your public ssh to your github account.
  5. Clone using git clone ssh://git@localhost:3334/pentaho/mondrian.git. Use the user git as in the command and not your user name.

Hopefully it helps some frustrated IT worker behind a corporate firewall.